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Zvesda  |  Z8052

Zvesda Roman Auxiliary Infantry RR


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Auxiliaries only functioned as support troops and were mainly utilised for border missions. Normally, they participated in large-scale military operations together with the legionnaires. Auxiliary troops were recruited from both the empire's population who were not Roman citizens and the empire's conquered people. However, since Emperor Augustus there had been at least 70 auxiliary cohorts of professional veterans which were organized by the same principles as the legions.

Zvesda Roman Auxiliary Infantry RR

Auxiliaries only functioned as support troops and were mainly utilised for border missions. Normally, they participated in large-scale military operations together with the legionnaires. Auxiliary troops were recruited from both the empire's population who were not Roman citizens and the empire's conquered people. However, since Emperor Augustus there had been at least 70 auxiliary cohorts of professional veterans which were organized by the same principles as the legions.
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